It all started with a passion for helping others achieve their goals, a desire to grow personally and professionally, and the realization that as a mom, finding balance between family and career was essential. Social media management presented itself as a challenging yet rewarding avenue where I could thrive. With the right guidance and strategy, businesses not only grow but also thrive in the digital landscape.

My journey as a social media manager is fueled by a love for what I do and a commitment to helping businesses navigate the complexities of social media. It's about more than just managing accounts; it's about fostering growth, building relationships, and making a meaningful impact.

I’m a brazilian who live in the United States and started this company to help business to grow, specially the ones running by mothers!! I know how your time is much more precious that was before! And I hope my company can grown and I can be able to hire other mothers to work with me!

Let’s achieve our goals together!